My academic advisor (AA) is Professor Dr. Ling Teck Yee. She graduates her PhD in Environmental Science in Louisiana State University, United State (2000). After she finished her form 6, she's taking Bachelor of Science in 1981 where she's majoring in Mathematics and minoring in Chemistry and she also got her Diploma in Education at the same university, University Malaya. In 1985, she graduated from University Malaya. Apart from that, she got her first Master degree at Eastern Michigan University, United State in 1988.
Before my AA become a lecturer, she's a secondary school teacher at SMK Durin, Sibu (1985) but in 1986, she moves to Kota Kinabalu, Sabah and teaches at SMAP Kota Kinabalu. However, in 1987, she's taking a leave (without pay) to follow her husband to America then return to Kuching, Sarawak back in 1993 and become a teacher at SMK St.Thomas for one year before she become a lecturer at UNIMAS in 1994.
Dr. Ling also gives advice on survival at UNIMAS. She advised us to read the course plan or syllabus for every topic we take before entering the lesson. Speed reading and make a note on the subject that we're going to learn for that particular class. After the lecture, she told us to spend at least one hour on every subject we take and keep doing constant revision. She told us to manage our time wisely so that we can get enough sleep too and wouldn't fall asleep during the lecture on the next day.
"Procrastination is the foundation of all disaster"
As always, to maintain our performance in class, we shouldn't procrastinate our works either it's an individual or group work. We also should know how to work as a team because if we keep procrastinate to do our part, we only give our teammate a hard time as we become one of the reasons the process to be slow. Wise words from a wise man, teamwork makes the dream work. In addition, as a student, we should focus more on our studies and limit our time on phone especially on games and social media. Youth nowadays are so addicted to social media like twitter, instagram, pinterest and etc. "Unhealthy cultures create addiction. Healthy cultures create a social bonds". We should know what is our first priorities as a degree student.
When I ask a question to my AA about my elective subject for Year 2 as I want to take Chinese Language but I don't have any basic, she advised me to meet the course lecturer if I'm still ensure either I want to take it or not. However, she encourage me to take it and challenge my own limits. In case, I can't catch up with the lesson, I still can drop it. At least I still able to learn something new and I loss to nothing actually as I gain new knowledge.
-It is better to learn than never-