On 13/11/2019, all Faculty Resource Science and Technology's student compulsory to attend a Career Talk by Mr. Paul Sliong and Mdm. Liza at Dewan Syarahan Pitas, UNIMAS. You may wondering why do we have to attend this event right? In my point of view, career talk is important. Why do I say that? It is because the actions taken by young people especially student, have a major impact on their lives – affecting not only their further education, training or employment, but also their social lives, finances and health outcomes. Careers are increasingly seen not as being ' chosen, ' but as being constructed through a series of learning and work choices that people make throughout their lives. Supporting students in making informed choices about subjects will lead them to have a more optimistic outlook on life, a sense of purpose and a higher level of contribution to their families and society.
First slot: Career Direction by Mr. Paul Sliong
Our first slot is given by Mr. Paul Sliong, who is a Hong Leong Bank's Manager. Mr. Paul talked a little bit about himself before he became a manager at Hong Leong's Bank. He has been worked at 4 different banks before this. His first bank is Hong Leong Bank, then City Bank, followed by Cimb Bank and RHB Bank before he moves back to Hong Leong Bank and become a manager there.
"If you want to go far in life, English is important" - Mr. Paul Sliong
As we all already know, English is the language of international communication and also a second native language in Malaysia. Besides, English also has been used in social media and the internet. Therefore, knowing English increases your chances of getting a good job in a multinational company within your home country or for finding work abroad and it's also important for socializing and entertainment as well as work.
"We CAN'T see our future but we CAN imagine it!"
Everyone of us ever hoping to be a teacher, policeman or doctor when we grow up while we were in primary school back then. Am I right? Even, until now, we still imagine what we are going to be after we finish our studies in this 3 years. I am major in chemistry and of course, like everybody else, I am hoping to be a chemist or anything that related to my field in future. However, Mr. Paul said, we can't see what we will be in the future. There's a PhD's holder out there but he choose to be (modern) farmer. Why so? It might because he want to have a job that suit him and want to be the one who will change others perspective towards farmers. You know, it is better for us to find a right job that fit us and our life. It is not necessarily have to fit our field of study. I, myself is a chemistry student. I do want to be a chemist and find a career that match my degree but there's a part of me that want to be a kinder-garden's teacher and those kids did not learn chemistry at that age.
What does it mean by career trap? Have you ever feel confident that you are going to score that subject in exam but then you end up failed? It is the same concept actually. It is when you are too confident about yourself. You thought you are able to compete with others but you did not realized that you are actually already slide into the ocean of sameness. If you just realized it, it is better for you to prepare from now before you stuck in a danger zone.
What I try to say here is, if you are a CEO of a biggest company, will you accept a new employer that did not have any experiences of working or the one that did not involve themselves in any university activities? What is that really special about you that make you different from others which will make a company to employ you? You score PNGK 4.00? I guess there's a lot of candidates out there who scores the same too. If your CV is same with others, what is the probability that you will be accepted in that company? Do not ever think that you are already in a comfort zone. That is one of the career trap that can crush your dreams.
Therefore, you have to do this 3 core thrust, which is:
recognize core responsibilities
improve targeted capabilities over time
add new capabilities to shift direction
If you have a desire to be a successful person, you must take actions. You can't just sit there and hoping miracle will happen to you. You need to fight for yourself. For your own future. Dreams don't work unless you do.
If we believe in ourselves, it will translate to our behaviors and the translate as CONFIDENT.
-Mr. Paul Sliong-
Second slot: Critical Thinking by Mdm. Liza
Our second slot is given by Mdm. Liza. She is from Jurutera Perunding Indah, Sarawak. She graduated from University of Malaya. Our session with Mdm. Liza is quite simple but full of information and self-motivation. She asked us to always remember our goals, to know what is our purpose here in university and she want us to embrace this opportunity. She was right when she said that there's other people out there who dreams to be here, in our position but they didn't get any chance to. That's why we have to take this chance so that we can make a better world for them and ourselves.
Never regret the path that you choose!
It is not easy to be a science student. Well, not only science actually. Every course has it own level of thinking. However, the beauty of being a science student is we can be in any field we want. That's why we should take this opportunities and embrace it! Everybody has a opportunities but it depends on us how we embrace that opportunities.
What is critical thinking?
Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly and rationally about what to do or what to believe. It includes the ability to engage in reflective and independent thinking. It is a skill that allows you to make logical and informed decisions to the best of your ability. Mdm. Liza want us to develop our critical thinking skills. Hence, we will be able to boost our ability to solve problems and make the right decisions at work, home and in study. No matter what kind of life we come from, what kind of field you are involved in, or how much experience we have already acquired, people have all seen firsthand the value of critical thinking skills. The ability to think critically is more important now than it has ever been. Developing your critical thinking skills is something that takes concentrated work. With that in mind, you are likely wondering what you can do.