For our PPD1041 first task, we were assigned to do UNIMAS Tour by our own. For this task, we have to do it in a group. Dr. Tay Meng Guan, our lecturer, gave us a list of places we have to go and we have take a group 'selfie' also as a proof that we went there.
So, this is my group members and let me introduce them first. In this group, we have 6 members (3 girls and 3 boys) , the one that take the picture is Azrin meanwhile a guy in a grey shirt is Brennan. Both Azrin and Brennan are Biotechnology's students. Aiman is the one in a black shirt and he is a taking Zoology. Same goes to Anne, a girl that wears a stripe shirt back there. Me (maroon's hijab) and Yuyu (black's hijab) are from the same course also that is Resource Chemistry.
The places that we were assigned to go is:
1. Dean's office
We were here at Dean’s Office in Faculty of Resource Science & Technology (FRST). Dean’s Office was located at Level 3 in FRST’s building. Supposedly, it should be 6 of us. However, Aiman went for a camping in the jungle during that day.
2. Unit Kewangan Pelajar
After that, we went to Unit Kewangan Pelajar. We are not allowed to take picture in here but Azrin already asked for their permission for us to take a selfie in there.
3. Unit Kaunseling
Our next destination is Unit Kaunseling. It was located at Level 2 of HEPA’s building. The office was already closed during that time so we only able to take a picture in front of the main door.
4. UNIMAS Health Centre
Here we go! We were at UNIMAS Health Centre. It also located in the same building as Unit Kewangan Pelajar and Unit Kaunseling. UNIMAS Health Care was located in the ground floor. It was easy to be found by students and staffs.
5. Undergraduate Student Division Office
Luckily we got Anne with us. If not, we might getting lost while searching for Undergraduate Student Division Office. It was located behind the HEPA and near to the CAIS. Anne told us that this is one of the important places that we have to know in UNIMAS.
6. Centre of Academic & Information
This is when we were in CAIS which is stand for Centre of Academic & Information Services. CAIS was located near to the FBK and FSS.
7. Fakulti Pengajian Bahasa dan Komunikasi
Now we were at Fakulti Pengajian Bahasa & Komunikasi (FBK). It was not too far from CAIS actually. It also near to FSS.
8. CTF3 and CTF4
CTF3 and CTF4 were not too far from CAIS. However, it was located near to FEB. I could say that CTF3 and CTF4 share the same building unlike CTF1 and CTF2 which were in a different locations.
9. Kompleks Sukan
It was a long journey from CTF3 and CTF4 to the Kompleks Sukan which were located near to Cempaka College’s area. We found out that we got gym here and it was located in Level 2.
10. Jambatan Cinta UNIMAS
Finally, 6 of us in one picture. Now, we were at Jambatan Cinta UNIMAS. This bridge connects TAZ, BRC and Cempaka College to Sakura and Allamanda College.
11. Student Pavilion
Our last location which is Student Pavilion. Consists of small food & drink shop-lots, where you can enjoy local delicacies foods & drinks on daily basis. It covers from local Malay, Indian foods and also Vegetarian. This food outlets operates daily from 8.00am - 10.00pm.